Thursday, October 27, 2011

A Poem... That I did not write

Everyone longs to give himself or herself to have a deep soul relationship with one be loved thoroughly and exclusively...But God says...

Not until you are satisfied, fulfilled and content with being loved by Me alone...
To have an intensely personal relationship with Me alone...
Discovering that only in Me is your satisfaction to be found...
Will you be capable of the perfect human relationship that I have planned for you...
You will never be united with one another until you are completely united with Me...
Exclusive of anyone or anything else...
Exclusive of any other desires or longings...

And when you are ready...
I'll surprise you with a love...
Far more wonderful than any of you would dream of...
You see...until you are ready...
until the person I have for you is ready...
I am working even at this moment to have you both ready at the same time...
Until you are BOTH satisfied exclusively with Me and the life I have for you is ready...
You won't be able to experience the love that exemplifies your relationship with Me...
And is thus the perfect Love...
Don't be anxious...don't worry...
Don't look at the things others have gotten or that I have given them...
Don't look at the things you want...
Just keep looking up to Me or you will miss what I want to show you...
I want you to stop planning...
stop wishing and allow Me to give you the most thrilling plan existing...
one that you cannot imagine...
I want you to have the best...please allow Me to bring it to you...
You must keep watching Me...expecting the greatest things...
Keep experiencing the satisfaction that I am...Keep listening to the things I tell you...
Just wait...that's all...

And dear one...I want you to have the most wonderful love...
I want you to see in the flesh...the picture of your relationship with Me and to enjoy materially and concretely...the everlasting...
Union of beauty...perfection...and the love that I offer you with Myself...Know that I love you utterly...I am God...Believe it and be satisfied..."

Friday, October 14, 2011

The Mission Behind the Title

       Lowell High School can be quite the jungle all the time on certain occasions. One of these times, is homecoming week. With all the craziness of spirit days, the football game, and of course, the dance, people tend to lose track of themselves, what they stand for and they end up following the crowd more than ever. The girls in their short soffee shorts, tall socks and sports bras with their stomachs painted at the game, the guys encouraging their behavior, the silly spirit days, as well as many other things combine to create a rough week.

     Well, this year me and several of my friends decided to try and change that. With little idea of where to start, I consulted with my sister, Leslie. Together, we came up with the idea of t-shirts with the phrase "I'm bringing classy back" on them.  Several trips to Ella's (the local coffee shop), many hours on Google, and lots of brutally honest opinions operation "Bring Classy Back" was formed.

      Maddie and I then contacted several girls from our school that we thought would like to get involved. Some of the girls did, and some didn't, but that was expected. The next week we ordered the shirts! After many, many calls to Pep Talk, pleading with the woman over the phone and praying the shirts arrived just in time! We had planned on wearing them the day before the homecoming dance but weren't sure if they would be here in time. Once again, God made it happen. I arrived to school early on Friday morning to hand out the shirts to the other 8 girls and everyone of them loved the design.

      Throughout the day, we had very mixed reviews. Most of the comments made to my face were very positive, it was the ones I wasn't supposed to hear that really made me laugh. I heard a few of the "popular guys" say "I hate those shirts. They're so stupid." I simply chuckled to myself and decided it wasn't worth a response, for the scripture says " Do not be eager in your heart to be angry, For anger resides in the bosom of fools.".  At the end of the day, I was glad I did it. I took the risk, put myself out there. I decided that if it changed one person for the better, one person out of all 1,200 students, then it was worth it.

Monday, October 10, 2011


Clothing brands and stores are something I feel very strongly about. I've never understood why people are willing to pay over twice the price for something just for the little logo embroidered somewhere on the article of clothing. 

Example A:

These jeans are $22.99
 these jeans are $59.63

Now, maybe I am crazy but I see very little difference is these two pairs of jeans. In fact, I like the jeans on the right better!

Example B: 
This sweater is $19.99
This sweater is $49.50 

Both sweaters are really cute! I do realize the one on the right is going to fit better, and hold up better but is it really worth more than twice as much?!

Example C:
These socks are $21.99
These socks are $8.00

Socks make me really angry! I can't justify spending tons of money on socks when I know I am just going to lose them before too long! 

Although I could continue to find many more examples, I think I shall stop there.

 So why do people spend so much more for "brand names". Yes, they are better quality and will last longer but with things that are going to go out of style, get lost or you just won't like anymore what's the point?! I think many teenagers spend the extra money because they feel good seeing the little seagull birdie things, moose's, and capital letter "A"s filling their closet. Nor are they the one's buying all of these overpriced items of clothing. I for one am so proud to say that I have owned one pair of shoes from American Eagle (which were a gift) and nothing else from there. I have never bought a single thing from Hollister or Abercrombie and Fitch, nor do I ever plan to!