Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Yesterday on the evening of August 29th, 2011 I purchased a ukulele. Now yes, I do realize that I have gone through several "instrument phases". First there was the recorder in the 5th grade, that was involuntary, then the clarinet, which I never really enjoyed, then the Violin, which was fun for awhile. But now, I have my instrument. The ukulele.

I am already in love with my dear lovely Luna and I am confident that we will be friends for a long, long time. She brings me lots of joy and makes me feel genuinely happy. I have determined that it is impossible to frown while playing such a happy instrument. Especially when you can play it with your wonderful big sister. I even stayed up until past 1 AM last night simply because I couldn't put her down. With Leslie's help, I have already mastered that song "I'm Yours" and I'm working on "Over the Rainbow".  

See that genuine smile?!

I can't wait to get to the point where I can play popular, well known songs on Luna. I can finally be the girl with a unique talent! 

Working hard.

1 comment:

  1. YAAAY! I love that you're blogging! And that you're playing the ukulele! I can't wait to jam together soon. I'm glad this is something we get to "share".

    Oh and also, I think it's perfectly ok to try a bunch of instruments. Josh and I were talking about it the other night and he said that instruments are one thing that he would almost never disagree to getting. They can only enrich your life, teach you something about yourself, and inspire your creativity!
