Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Rainbow Fish

       As I have mentioned several times on this blog (even more if you personally know me), high school is really quite the place. You can find every type of person known to man being held captive within the brick walls. I like to compare all 1200 students in LHS, to a big school of fish. Nearly 100% of these said "fish" are just along for the ride. They stay with their group of other fishies that are similar to them. So we have hundreds and hundreds of fish all going the same way. It's one large pack with several small sub-packs. Well I am an individual fish. The rainbow fish.
    To me, being an individual is incredibly important. Although it easy to get lost in the sea of 1200 other students at LHS, I try to swim the opposite direction of the rest of the fish. The fish that are just floating along with the current, getting pushed this way and that, getting caught on old tree limbs fallen in the river, or unfortunately the select few who end up being beached along the shore line. Nobody will ever go and pick these fish up and through them back into the water, they will just lay there struggling for their last breaths of air, very few will be able to fight their way back into the water. Most will just give up, lay there and begin decomposing. Within a few short hours, they will be completely forgotten, only serving as a reminder to the other fish of what could happen.  I swim up the stream. I"m the one fighting with every stroke of my fin, the one that is to determined to give up, the one that is pushing through the herd of fish coming at me in every direction. Sadly, sometimes I am the fish that is the underdog, the fish that is questioning whether it's worth it to keep swimming onward and see what's farther up ahead, the fish that stops for a breather and is pushed back. But I, I am the fish that no matter what, I am going to keep swimming. Just keep swimming. I don't care of if my fin is scraped by a large group of  "mean fish" headed straight for me, I will head right back towards them. For I believe in what I am fighting for, I have a purpose for swimming up the stream, I want to challenge the other fish, to make them turn around and see where I am going. And maybe, just maybe they will follow behind me, maybe they'll be curious as to what could be up there, there's no way I would being bothering to go through so much trouble if there wasn't something great up ahead, maybe I'll soon have a few fish behind me. After all, I am an individual, I am a different fish. I have God on my side. 

1 comment:

  1. Katie you are a beautiful writer and an even more beautiful 'Rainbow Fish'. I am so proud of who you are!
